Region:Dong Ting Lake region, Jiang Su province, ChinaDescription:Translation name is “Green Spring Spiral”. The original name of this tea, which was called “Great fragrance that can scare people”, was renamed in 1600s by Kang Xi Emperor, who held that the original name was not elegant enough, based on the spiral-like shape of the tealeaves and the spring-like green color of the liquor. Three grades of this tea are available at our shop. The first grade A is the most delicate one and usually contains one bud and one leaf. To make 500g of first-grade tea needs 60,000 to 70,000 buds and leaves. The second grade B consists of one bud with two or three leaves. The third grade contains the fully-grown leaves. Property:This tea has some antioxidants that help you against the cancer and to delay the ageing process. This tea can also help you against heart attack and cardiovascular disease. It helps to treat arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It also helps your cognition.Preparation suggestions: 2-3 grams for 100 ml of water at 70°C-80°C; infusing 2-3 minutes; renewal for 3 infusions.